FOCUS is the Fellowship of Catholic University Students. Through Bible studies, outreach events, mission trips and everyday accompaniment, FOCUS missionaries inspire and build up others in faith, sending them out to spread the good news and live out the Great Commission: “Go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19).…
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FOCUS Bible Studies

FOCUS Bible studies are weekly Bible studies led by one of our FOCUS missionaries. They are an opportunity to grow in our relationship with Christ through studying Scripture together and learning more about our faith. Register as a student here for more information!


IGNITE is a student-led ministry that has the goal of building community among our first year students.  IGNITE meets every Wednesday from 8:00-9:30pm in the Catholic Center hall. A typical night consists of social, food, speakers, and small groups. 

Seeking Water

Seeking Water is a student-led ministry that holds praise & worship nights with adoration. Seeking Water takes place every other Tuesday at 8:00 PM in the chapel. All students are welcome to participate. To listen to some of the music from our student musicians, click here.


Ablaze is a student-led ministry dedicated to community formation through speakers and social events. Ablaze takes place every other Tuesday at 8:00 PM in the Center Hall. All students are welcome to participate

Catholic Student Association Board (CSA)

The CSA Board is composed of student leaders responsible for planning, organizing and facilitating student ministries and activities. Our 2023-2024 CSA Board members can be found below: