Knights of Columbus

The Georgia Martyrs Knights of Columbus Council 17969 The Knights of Columbus was founded by Father Michael J. McGivney on February 6, 1882 with a mission of charity. Charity Charity is at the heart of our work and our faith — and it always has been. For the Knights of…
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Silver Angels

The Silver Angels are members of The Catholic Center community (single, married, and widowed men and women on the plus side of 55 years of age).  The participants perform outreach in support of The Catholic Center mission and enjoy fellowship activities. The Silver Angels gather most months for a monthly potluck…
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Adult Bible Studies

Join a Bible study today! Men’s Bible Study: Join the men of The Catholic Center for prayerful dialogue on Scripture and books of interest. Meetings open and close with prayer; what comes in between varies from week to week! Bring your questions, open mind, and share in meaningful ways with other men…
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Religious Education (RE)

Religious Education: The Catholic Center offers Religious Education and Sacramental Preparation for children.  Guidelines/Policies for Registering for Religious Education: Religious Education Family Appeal: Sacramental Requirements:First Communion/Confirmation candidates must have two years of consecutive Religious Education in order to receive the sacrament. Attendance is mandatory for all sessions to receive the…
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Social Graces Women’s Dinner

The Social Graces, The Catholic Center women’s dinner group, is a fellowship for all of our women members at least 21 years of age. We meet once a month, usually on the second Thursday, for a casual dinner party and lots of fun.  Our time together includes prayer, food and drink,…
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Our Daily Bread

Where: Meals are prepared at The Catholic Center kitchen. We then deliver and serve the food cafeteria-style to guests at First Baptist Church, 355 Pulaski St, Athens.  Meal Prep Team Duties: Meal Service Team Duties: To help, contact Sue Flemming at or Jackie Rains at History: In 1989, Oconee Street joined with Action Ministries,…
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Grief & Bereavement Group

The Grief and Bereavement Group meets on one Tuesday at 4pm each month in the Center hall. No matter where you are in your journey (anticipatory, acute, or long-standing grief), or if you feel you can contribute, you are invited to join us.

Creative Hands Crafting Group

All are welcome to join the Creative Hands Crafting Group once a month in the Center hall. Bring your own arts and crafts project or start a new one!