This February 2023, 140+ students traveled to the mountains of Dahlonega, Georgia where they spent a weekend at Hidden Lake Retreat Center praying, worshipping and receiving all that the Lord had to share. The Catholic Student Association Board Retreat Leaders, Chris Turner, and Katie Nay, UGA Sophomores, led the students “Into the Deep” as they invited them to reflect on the innerworkings of their hearts through silence and deep reflection.
The weekend featured several sessions with special guests who spoke to the students about purpose, mission and the silent working of God in our lives. The Speakers included:
- Kelvin Gothman, FOCUS Missionary
- Fr. Michael Bremer, UGA Catholic Center Chaplain
- Fr. Branson Hipp, Georgia Tech Catholic Center Chaplain
- Christopher Turner, Sophomore
- Katie Nay, Sophomore
Hannah Jane Kedzierski, Senior and 2022-23 CSA Board Social Media Head, worked with the media team to create a Spring Retreat video within the length of the retreat and presented it to the students at the end of the weekend.