Interested in Becoming Catholic?

The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA formerly known as RCIA) is a process during which the participants gradually experience a shared spiritual journey as they discern their call to become Catholic or deepen in their Catholic faith. We will learn about, discuss, and pray with various aspects of the Catholic faith: its doctrines, history, sacraments, prayers, practices, and rituals. Sessions begin September 5, 2024 and meet every Thursday from 7–8:30pm. OCIA is for the baptized and the unbaptized, the devout and the curious, college students and adults members of our community aged 18 and older.  Join us when you are ready to learn more about the Church and the possibility of becoming Catholic.

Those who have been baptized Catholic but have yet to receive First Holy Communion and/or Confirmation are invited to begin sacramental preparation appropriate to their level of spiritual formation. There are two paths for baptized Catholics continuing their Christian initiation: preparation for Confirmation and First Communion through attending OCIA from September–Easter and receiving these sacraments at the Easter Vigil on April 19, 2025. Alternatively, Adult Confirmation sessions (for those who just need to be confirmed) will begin in the new year in conjunction with OCIA meetings on Thursdays at 7pm with additional sessions that meet separately for the second half of the sessions (time and place TBD). These candidates will receive the sacrament of Confirmation at a Mass with Bishop Konzen on April 27, 2025 with the teens who have also been preparing separately. These candidates are welcome to join OCIA sessions starting in the fall for more in-depth sacramental preparation if needed.

For more information, please contact Suzie Blaydes at

The Steps of RCIA 

RCIA is not just a “convert class” with a new name. It is a journey of progressive learning and deepening in faith. Special rites are celebrated during the Sunday liturgies at various times throughout the year. RCIA involves the whole community — in prayer as the rites are celebrated, in hospitality as new members are welcomed, and in ministries like sponsor or team member.

The most important thing to keep in mind about RCIA is this: it is not merely a new way to prepare adults for baptism; baptism is only one step. The goal of the process is full communion which means “full, conscious and active participation” in the Eucharist and in the whole life of the Catholic faith community.

RCIA helps adults to grow in their relationship with God, become familiar with Catholic teachings and practices, get acquainted with people in the community, and get involved in service within the community.

Many persons who want to join the Catholic Church have already been baptized in another Christian church. They will not be re-baptized. They will follow a form of these four steps adapted to the particular needs and concerns of Christians from another faith tradition.

First Step: Period of Inquiry

How someone comes to consider joining the Catholic Church is unique to each individual. Years of marriage to a Catholic spouse, conversations with a Catholic friend or co-worker, or even something written or viewed in the media can move an adult toward membership in the Catholic Church. Informally, this can go on for years!

At some point, the person may contact a Catholic parish or community and begin to meet with other adults who are also inquiring about the Catholic faith. These adults, with members of the RCIA team, will take time to tell their own stories and connect them with the faith stories found in Scripture.

Second Step: Rite of Acceptance into The Order of Catechumens and Rite of Welcome. The Period of the Catechumenate and of ongoing conversion.

Some of the inquirers become firm in their desire for initiation and decide that they would like to begin more formal study of the teachings and practices of the Catholic Church. The unbaptized are admitted into the next step through a special ceremony called the Rite of Acceptance into the Order of Catechumens. For the baptized, this step is called the Rite of Welcome. In this ritual, the Church symbolically claims those preparing for baptism for Christ by signing them with the cross.

This is the first time that the inquirers publicly declare their intention before the community. Because no one likes to do something like that on his/her own, each inquirer is accompanied by a sponsor. Sponsors may be chosen by the individual or provided by the community. Sponsors provide support and companionship for the rest of the RCIA process.

After this rite, those preparing for baptism are called catechumens. This name indicates that they are learning the teachings of the Church and beginning to accept Catholic tradition and practices. Those who have already been baptized continue as candidates.

Even though they are not yet initiated into full participation in the sacraments, catechumens and candidates do enjoy other important sources of help and grace. They are assisted as they grow in faith by learning about the teachings of the Church and participating in works of service in the community. At this stage, they can be married in the Church and receive Christian burial.

The time spent as a catechumen will vary from person to person. The bishops of the United States have suggested that this catechumenate period is to last for at least one year.

Third Step: Rite of Election and the Period of Purification and Enlightenment

The period of the catechumenate ends when the catechumens discern, with the help of their sponsors and the parish RCIA team, that God is calling them to receive the sacraments of initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and First Eucharist) at the next Easter Vigil. Before they can be initiated, they must be officially called to the sacraments by the bishop or someone designated by him. This Rite of Election is often celebrated on the First Sunday of Lent in the diocesan cathedral.

The Rite of Election marks the end of formal study of the teachings and practices of the Church. The catechumens are now called the elect. The weeks of Lent are a time of intense prayer as the elect prepare themselves to celebrate the resurrection of the Lord at Easter and to receive the sacraments of initiation.

Baptized candidates share this more intense preparation for reception of the sacraments of Confirmation and First Eucharist and full reception into the Catholic Church.

On the Sundays of Lent, the elect are prayed for in a special way to help them prepare more fully for the sacraments. The sponsors continue to accompany the elect in church and support them in their Lenten preparations.

Fourth Step: Initiation and Mystagogia

On Holy Saturday, the community assembles for the Easter Vigil. The Church has always recognized that in baptism, we die to sin in Christ’s death so that we may rise to new life with Him. The Easter Vigil is the primary celebration of the Lord’s Resurrection and is, therefore, the most appropriate occasion for the elect to celebrate their Baptism, Confirmation, and first Eucharist.

For the newly initiated, now called neophytes, the time between Easter and Pentecost is a special opportunity to reflect on the commitment which they have made to the Lord, to the Church, and to the local Catholic community. This time of unfolding the meaning of the initiation sacraments is called mystagogia. The Sunday Scripture readings, which explain the meaning of the Resurrection and of baptism, have special meaning for these new Catholics. During this season, the bishop may gather the neophytes for a special Eucharistic celebration called the Mass of the Neophytes.

The journey of faith lasts a lifetime. The weeks after Easter are a time for new Catholics to seek out their place in the community. Other community members can reach out to welcome them, helping them to get involved and feel at home.

If you know someone who might like to begin journeying with us in faith, please invite them to contact Suzie Blaydes at or call the front office at 706-543-2293.

2024 Adult Inquiry Form

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Are you registered at the Catholic Center?

Baptism Information

MM slash DD slash YYYY

Copy of Baptism Certificate:
Please email or bring a copy of your Baptism Certificate to the Center.

First Communion Information

Have you recieved your First Communion?
MM slash DD slash YYYY

Copy of First Communion Certificate:
Please email or bring a copy of your First Communion Certificate to the Center.

Personal Information

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Have you been married before?(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Father's Name(Required)
Mother's Name(Required)

Confirmation Information

The following information is not required; it is for future reference.
Is sponsor a member of the Catholic Center? (If not, your sponsor needs a letter from the parish stating he/she is in good standing & qualifies.)
Please enter a number from 1 to 5.
Please enter a number from 1 to 5.

Please remember to mail or bring copies of your Baptismal and First Communion Certificates to the Center.