Click below to give:
Thank you for your support!
Your gift supports the work of the Church in north and central Georgia.
Help support a variety of Catholic Center initiatives and causes by clicking the link below.
Donate With Cash or Check
Give cash or write out a check to The Catholic Center at UGA. You may bring it to the Center office, put it in the offertory basket at Mass, or mail it to 1344 S. Lumpkin St., Athens, GA 30605.
Donate Through Stocks
Stock donations for the Catholic Center are handled through the Archdiocese of Atlanta. Please contact Tracy Zelczak for more information.
Tracy Zelczak
Archdiocese of Atlanta
2401 Lake Park Drive, SE
Smyrna, Georgia 30080-8862; 404-920-7606
Donate Through a Corporate Match
The Catholic Center at UGA is eligible for matching gift programs. Check with you employer to see if they will match your donation. To let us know that your gift has been matched by your company, please write “Gift will be matched by (Insert Company Name)” in the memo section.
Donate Through a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD)
A QCD is a direct transfer of funds from your IRA custodian, payable to a qualified charity. If you are 70.5 or over, you may direct up to $100,000 to The Catholic Center while lowering the income and taxes from your IRA withdrawals. To make a donation through your QCD, please use the following info:
EIN: 58-0903505
Catholic Student Center Newman Center
dba The Catholic Center at UGA
Check made out to: The Catholic Center at UGA
It may be sent to the following mailing address:
The Catholic Center at UGA
1344 S. Lumpkin Street
Athens, GA 30605
Donate Through a Donor Advised Fund
You can make a grant from a charitable/donor advised fund held at a charitable entity. You can also identify what you would like the funds used for. To make a grant, use the following information:
EIN: 58-0903505
Catholic Student Center Newman Center
dba The Catholic Center at UGA
Check made out to: The Catholic Center at UGA
It may be sent to the following mailing address:
The Catholic Center at UGA
1344 S. Lumpkin Street
Athens, GA 30605
Donate Through an Endowment
Support our endowment and invest in the future of our community for generations to come. To give to The Catholic Center at UGA endowment fund, please contact the Catholic Foundation of North Georgia.
Donate Through Legacy Gifts
By including The Catholic Center in your will, you’re joining a family of supporters who’ve made a lifelong commitment to nurturing our community for generations to come. Please consider supporting us in this way.
Finance & Ministry Report 2023-2024
Parish Certification Letter 6.30.2024
Financial Statements 6.30.2024
Alms Disbursements 6.30.2024
Second Collections 6.30.2024
Archdiocesan Annual Report 2024